
The Dynamics of a Toxic Board Chair

Have you seen this in your career path: a Board chair that is overwhelmingly difficult. Not just personality difficulties; but instances of excessive micromanaging, changing details of assignments in mid-stream without notifying you, and/or speaking critically of your performance in front of the board or staff, frequently without you present.

I label this type of behavior by the Board Chair as Toxic Board Chair Syndrome. It can cause ongoing difficulties and in many cases severely impact the effectiveness of the organization.

A Coach or Consultant, Part II. The Process to make It Work

Your agency is in a kerfuffle over internal issues and you, as Executive Director, have considered bringing in outside support to work with you to resolve the issues. You’ve read Part I on this subject, “A Consultant or a Coach? Which do you need? And have decided to move forward with the hire. In either case, consultant or coach, the next steps in the process are the very similar.

A Consultant or Coach? Which is best for you? - Part One

A Consultant or Coach? Which is best for you? - Part One

To borrow from William Shakespeare and King Henry IV, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The line signifies the difficulties of being the leader, the person that carries the burdens of responsibility of running their organization, be it a Kingdom, a corporation, or a nonprofit organization.

So, where do you look for support?