Nonprofit Consulting Services in Sacramento, CA

With Sally H. Coates’ nonprofit consulting services in Sacramento, CA, grow and improve your nonprofit organization by optimizing your existing nonprofit performance.

Organizational Development

As organizations mature they face an expanding role in the community and the need to have a strong, efficient and effective board to support the ED in running the agency. Working together we will identify and prioritize challenges such as a board recruitment process to expand the board to community members, establish board roles and responsibilities, develop organization and board policies, and consider a board retreat to develop longer term plans. We will discuss the role of Board Chair as well as Board Members and their relationship with the Executive Director and staff.

Additionally there is establishment of an evaluation process for the Executive Director as well as annual evaluations of the Board of Directors, both collectively and individually.

This is truly the heart of the organization and putting a strong structure in place in the beginning will serve the agency well as they expand in future years.

Nonprofit Consulting Services in Sacramento, CA - Lecture
Sally Coates is coaching a client on Marketing materials.

Emerging NOn Profits

Acquiring NP status is a lengthy process involving multiple government forms and regulations.  Many newcomers, while excited about putting their dreams, creativity and energy into action, need support in navigating this complex process.  We provide that support through recommendations for registering with Government agencies, writing bylaws, creating Articles of Incorporation, and recruiting that founding board.  As you stabilize, we concentrate on administrative procedures, developing a resource plan and defining your services and program plans.

Executive Coaching

My experience working for 30+ years in the nonprofit sector has taught me that many nonprofit executive leaders have had no training in how to be an executive leader or how to manage multiple requests from the numerous constituencies that factor into every working (and some non working) days.  Typically a nonprofit leader has few confidants within the organization with whom to vent frustrations or bounce ideas in a non judgmental environment.

We work on a one-on-one basis with Executive Directors to coach them in how to manage the multiple daily tasks of their role. This enables Executive Directors to develop a more effective understanding of their roles, their management styles and how to achieve success with the multiple constituents with which they interact. We also work in a group setting with a Board of Directors, an Executive Committee, or a founding board committee to evaluate the issues facing the organization and to develop plans to face those issues.

Engaging a consultant provides an impartial, objective and confidential “silent partner” as you grow and strengthen your nonprofit organization.

Joan Garry speaks eloquently on this topic in this engaging article from the Chronicle of Philanthropy, August 26, 2019.

Sally Coates is facilitating a seminar in front of a room full of clients.