You said “Yes” and have accepted the offer to join your local nonprofit agency. Congratulations on a decision that should impact your life in many positive ways. You’ve done your due diligence, you fully support the mission, and you are ready to dedicate time, wisdom, and fundraising to the agency. Everything feels right. And you ask yourself- “so what happens next?”
Retaining Your Board of Directors
Building Your Team
Your Nonprofit is Accountable to Who?
The Dynamics of a Toxic Board Chair
Have you seen this in your career path: a Board chair that is overwhelmingly difficult. Not just personality difficulties; but instances of excessive micromanaging, changing details of assignments in mid-stream without notifying you, and/or speaking critically of your performance in front of the board or staff, frequently without you present.
I label this type of behavior by the Board Chair as Toxic Board Chair Syndrome. It can cause ongoing difficulties and in many cases severely impact the effectiveness of the organization.