Sally Coates provided a day long retreat for our Board to strategize about Board recruitment and fundraising needs. Not only was the day packed with great information, our Board ended the retreat excited to work towards some new goals that we had set during the day together. Sally spoke the ‘non-profit language’ in a way that was easily accessible and left folks feeling like some previously daunting tasks were within reach. We are thrilled with how the retreat went, and we are looking forward to working with her again to help with some larger projects in the future.
— Emily Hyberg, Exeutive Director, The Belfry
Impact Foundry exists to enhance the resources and improve the management of nonprofit organizations. “Our faculty are top-notch pros and that’s why Sally Coates is one of them. We’re grateful for her expertise and hear regularly from her students and clients how much she has helped them. To work with the best, contact Sally.”
— Kim Tucker, Executive Director, Impact Foundry
“Sally and I worked closely together during her tenure as Executive Director of Episcopal Charities (EC). Sally’s ability to forge strong collegial relationships and her deep knowledge of nonprofit best practice proved of benefit to our organization and to other EC “partner agencies,” which Sally convened several times each year as part of a peer interactive discussion group.”
— Ken Reggio, Executive Director, Episcopal Community Services
“Sally’s extensive non profit experience has added significant value and clarity to board discussions on our administrative and strategy functions. Her strengths lie in her willingness to ask the tough questions and her follow through to discover practical answers to those issues – as well as having the heart to devote to non profit service.”
— Katharine Miller, Executive Director, Covia Foundation
“I worked with Sally for many years while I led the establishment of Episcopal Community Services of America, the national association for Episcopal health and human service agencies. As a member of the Board and Board Chair she shared her knowledge and experience tirelessly to ensure that the infrastructure of the association was securely in place, that a database of 5,000+ agencies was established, that ongoing strategic planning was implemented and that outreach to the larger Episcopal community was developed and sustained.”
— Phil Rapp, President and CEO, Episcopal Senior Communities of America
“Sally Coates has been the best consultant to help us thoughtfully plan and successfully orchestrate many first-time projects for our organization. The leadership skills, Board of Directors management experience, and fundraising expertise she has provided us has been exactly the direction and counsel we needed to continue growth and suitability. We could not have a more capable and effective partner!”
— Viviana Mason, Executive Director, Roseville Police Athletic League
“Thank you for setting the bar high and providing the knowledge and motivation to achieve such excellence.”
— Linda LoBue, President Sight Word Busters