Adding value to your agency and your mission is our prime objective whether through individual coaching or through a group meeting.  Sally provides the following workshops either to your team independently at your offices or through a group session at the Impact Foundry in West Sacramento.  Contact Sally through the website for more information on costs or use the links provided to sign up individuals at the Impact Foundry.

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Finance 101 – The Executive’s Perspective

This course focuses on what one as a nonprofit leader needs to understand about financial statements.  It is titled from the Executive’s Perspective because it is NOT an accounting class but an introduction to  how to read understanding financial statements.  We will review the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statements and Cash Flow statement as well as defining key concepts such as cash vs. accrual, restricted and unrestricted funds, and cost allocation.  Once the Financial Statements are reviewed, we will discuss Budgeting, the use of Dashboards and Board Financial Policies and the role of the Finance committee -what they are, and why they are important  will be examined.  Lastly we will review the difference between financial management and financial leadership and the importance of striving for financial sustainability.  One and half hours in length.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to read and interpret the basics of Financial Statements.

  • Learn the importance of financial concepts to keep you prepared for your ED role.

  • Learn Board Financial Policies

  • Learn the difference between financial management and financial leadership.

  • Discuss the importance of financial sustainability and resiliency

    Finance 101


How to Build Your Board Board Recruitment

Having an effective board is one of the most important ways to ensure the success of your agency yet finding and recruiting board members is one of the most difficult tasks of a Board. It is typically handled at the wrong time in a haphazard fashion that is the least effective way to recruit the best folks for your organization.  In this session we will examine how to develop a board matrix to identify your board’s personnel needs, and how to build an effective and efficient board.  Our discussions will include the importance of board orientation, the need for a reliable Board handbook and how to engage board members once they are members of the team.  One and half hours in length.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn a disciplined process for identifying potential board members

  • Learn how to build a pipeline of potential board members

  • Learn how to build a framework to create the board that is best for you

  • Learn the contents of an effective board notebook

  • Learn how to engage the board to keep them energized to pursue your mission

    How to Build Your Board – Board Recruitment

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Essentials of Board Leadership

Congratulations on your commitment for serving on a nonprofit Board of Directors.  It is an honor, a privilege and a huge job.  To learn for the first time, or to refresh what you have learned over the years, this workshop provides insight into being on a board, the basics of board leadership, striving to build the most effective board for your agency, and the legal responsibilities and duties of board work.  2 hours in length.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how the board basics of board evolution affects your work plans

  • Understand and document your responsibilities with government compliance laws

  • Develop focus to your board recruitment activities

  • Recognize the work of the board as fiscal steward and brand ambassador

  • Understand how the culture of your agency can affect your effectiveness

    Essentials of Board Leadership

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Being a Board Chair

Whether you are brand new in the board chair role or consider yourself a veteran, this workshop may be for you.  Serving as a board chair requires multiple personal qualities such as leadership, commitment, integrity, coach, conciliator and flexibility, typically all at the same moment.   And like many situations in life, it comes with little or no training.  Come to this workshop to learn the intricacies of the role and how to balance the role with agency needs, the staff and your personal life. 

2 hours in length

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of the Board Chair position 

  • Learn the formula for engaging your board

  • Develop a greater understanding of the Board  - Staff relationship Understand the negative impact of micromanaging

  • Learn your role as Chief Strategy Facilitator 

  • Learn how to manage Board agendas and meetings 

  • Understand the importance and delicacy of the Board Chair – ED relationship

    Being a Board Chair

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