nonprofit leadership

Energize Your Board Meetings

Too many times one hears about dissatisfaction with board meetings.  “Oh no, not again?  So soon?” is the refrain when the next meeting is announced.

And yet it is the board meeting where the most meaningful work of the board is done.  It is the time for status updates as well as the exchange of viewpoints, collaboration, networking, and visualizing the mission of the agency.  This is the board chair’s opportunity to build upon the commitment of current members to accomplish the work of the board and to build a culture of trust within the boardroom.

The Importance of Board Orientation

The process of building the board at your agency has begun now that your recruitment efforts have been fulfilled. You have the bodies in the chairs around the table, and now the need is to start building that sense of togetherness, the sense of a team working together toward one goal, the goal of meeting your agency’s mission. You are building your TEAM.

A Coach or Consultant, Part II. The Process to make It Work

Your agency is in a kerfuffle over internal issues and you, as Executive Director, have considered bringing in outside support to work with you to resolve the issues. You’ve read Part I on this subject, “A Consultant or a Coach? Which do you need? And have decided to move forward with the hire. In either case, consultant or coach, the next steps in the process are the very similar.

A Consultant or Coach? Which is best for you? - Part One

A Consultant or Coach? Which is best for you? - Part One

To borrow from William Shakespeare and King Henry IV, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The line signifies the difficulties of being the leader, the person that carries the burdens of responsibility of running their organization, be it a Kingdom, a corporation, or a nonprofit organization.

So, where do you look for support?