“Our overall commitment is to always add value to you and your mission.”

-Sally Coates, Principal

Overhead photo of a white crane flying over deep blue water away from you.

What we Do

Sally H. Coates offers nonprofit consulting in the Sacramento region. Her service focuses on the three stages of nonprofit organizational development – Emerging Nonprofits (becoming established and operational); ongoing Organizational Development, after that first blush of success; and Executive Director and Leadership coaching to support the realization of your mission. Contact us for nonprofit consulting services.


About sally

We bring our 30 years of nonprofit leadership experience and skills to assist you and your team to focus on the critical (and sometimes mundane) issues facing your agency. Through customized individual ED or group Leadership coaching, we help you and your team develop skills to lead and guide your organization by providing clarity on board and staff roles and relationships, on meeting mission objectives, and on managing human resource challenges.


organizational Development

Board Alignment

Governance Review

Budgeting and Finance

Executive Director Review

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Executive Coaching

One-to-One Coaching

Executive Confidence and Clarity

CEO and Board Chair Relationship

Board Evaluation

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Emerging NonProfits

Acquiring NP Status

Registration with Government Agencies

Resource Planning

Creating a Governance Structure

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“…Sally spoke the ‘nonprofit language’ in a way that was easily accessible and left folks feeling like some previously daunting tasks were within reach. We are thrilled with how the retreat went, and we are looking forward to working with her again to help with some larger projects in the future.”

Emily Hyberg, Exeutive Director, The Belfry